
Forming questions in English is not as difficult as it seems so, don’t worry. I´m going to teach you a simple formula that works for asking questions in almost ALL the verbs tenses.

This formula is called: 


  • Question word
  • Auxiliary verb
  • Subject
  • Main verb

It works for forming questions in the following verb tenses:


Yes/No questions do not use a question word…

…but they still follow ASM (Auxiliary verb – Subject – Main verb)

  • Do you like bananas?
  • Did you enjoy the movie?
  • Are you studying English?
  • Were you sleeping when I called you last night?
  • Have you finished your homework?
  • Will you call me when you get home?
  • Are you going to accept the job offer?
  • Should we take the early morning flight?

Questions where the main verb is “be” also don’t follow the pattern:

  • Are you thirsty?
  • Is she a teacher?
  • Were your parents angry when you failed the test?
  • Was her ex-boyfriend a basketball player?

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